Dan Pruitt Injury Law Firm - 300 Pettigru St., Suite 100, Greenville, SC 29601

How to Drive with Emergency Vehicles

We all know that Ambulances, Fire Truck and Police Vehicles are Emergency Vehicles, but did you also know that you are also required to yield for privately owned vehicles used by firefighters or life support agencies and these may display a green flashing light.

All drivers should stay alert of the road and to ensure that you can hear sirens or horns keeping the volume down on any music you are listening to will certainly help. When you hear the siren or see the flashing lights firstly check where on the road the emergency vehicle is, that way you can judge how quickly you need to react. Providing it is safe to do so, pull over to the side of the road and stop, signaling as you do so. This will not only alert the driver of the emergency vehicle to your intentions but also other road users. There is often more than one emergency vehicle responding to an incident, so wait until all vehicles have passed before you re-enter the traffic, signal and merge with the traffic getting up to the required speed for the road you are driving on.

If your loved one has been injured in an auto or motorcycle accident in Asheville, please call the Dan Pruitt Injury Law Firm accident attorneys (864) 280-7660 or contact us online today.